Pescaturismo amadeus

Property Overview

Type: Adventure
Address: Villaputzu, Porto corallo
Owner: portoghese amedeo
Pets: No pets
Location Type: Beach

Prepare to immerse into the world of the sea. “Pescaturismo“ is not only a lot of fun but also a unique adventure. Turn your day into a spectacular experiance.
Experiance how to live “like a true fisherman“! A profession threatened with extinction. We offer the experiance to witness fishing in a traditional way and in harmony with nature like it used to be.
A fresh fish, caught in crystal-clear water in Sardinia, immediately cooked and served in our native way – a whole new dimension of enjoyment.
You have special expectations? We are pleased to respond to your requests after timely agreement.
We offer several opportunities to turn your day into a fantastic adventure. From the classic Pescaturismo and lunch as well as dinner at sea to taking part in the professional fishing of swordfish.
We guarantee an adventure of the special kind.
